Welcome to the communication platform for the people and the resistance

Our purpose

To make the connection

Make the link, bring together groups and people to build together an apolitical project preserving the future of our children and the planet

European Organization

We offer our organization and its infrastructure in Europe while developing partnerships with groups and associations

What is our goal?

Alliance du Peuple wishes to build with all the collectives a great apolitical citizen movement in France and in Europe

Build projects

Alliance du Peuple coordinates the construction of teams by proposing the realization of projects in its municipality and finding a job


Our meetings

Discover the People's Alliance

You can discover the People’s Alliance from home by attending a videoconference every Monday at 8:30 p.m.

Participate in Action Meetings

You want to participate in actions of the People’s Alliance come and discover them by attending a videoconference every Tuesday evening at 8:30 p.m.

Let’s build tomorrow’s world today!

Let's bring together all the structures that want to build sustainable projects together

Nelson Mandela

Get involved in one of the 6 poles!

Citizens Pole

Business Division

Associations division

Cantons division

Youth center

Television pole

Citizen channel at the service of the people which will allow civil society, ignored by the mainstream media, to have a free and uncensored means of expression.
We are citizens from all walks of life who have in common a love for truth in information and for more justice in a country in the midst of chaos organized by the political class.
On tvadp.fr, you will see and hear all those whom media censorship wants to silence, all independent journalists blacklisted because they are too curious, all European whistleblowers engaged in the same fight, all intellectuals in solidarity with our cause.

Channel Director Eric Montana

Contact + registration coordination and ADP actions

Get involved by positioning yourself in Alliance du Peuple