Let's build tomorrow's world today


Nelson Mandela

Let's bring all the citizens together and all structures wishing to build sustainable projects together

Get involved in one of the 6 poles!

We seek to promote 6 areas for the entire French population:

1/ Citizens Pole,

2/ Business Division,

3/ Associations Division,

4/ Cantons division.

5/ Future pole.

5/ Television pole.

We want, on the basis of a credo of social justice and better environmental claims, to propose a better future for all.

An unwavering commitment

You probably see it, like most citizens of our country, the period is one of political, social and ideological effervescence, and the upheavals due to the pandemic have not helped… quite the contrary.

We also assume that as an active and recognized citizen, this effervescence is not indifferent to you. Nor is it in our eyes.

If you have decided to get involved in defending causes that are close to your heart. Today we do the same.

We come to you today because it seems to me that our cause is just and that we could share our energies
When we speak of the people, we speak of all who recognize themselves :

– In the Republic and in human rights,
– In our origins and in respect for others,
– In the hope of an alternative with the creation of an apolitical movement in the interest of the people.

Our main goal is to come together and overthrow this system!

Let’s come together to build,


Together let’s grow the hope of an emancipatory alternative, which will eradicate our difficulties of daily life, and in particular: the problems of money, survival, the syndrome of the empty fridge, social downgrading, finding a job, and , in short, of our misery.

Our areas of activity:
As a communication tool between each group, and citizens of all kinds, we propose and set actions and objectives for each of the poles.

Citizens Pole
Our goal is to help and support all Citizens.
In this alliance, there is respect for our 7 values ​​which will become a sacred agreement or a mutual promise between the Alliance of the People and a person or a group.

If we choose to respect these 7 values ​​after joining, we accept the conditions of the alliance.
We are committed to promoting People’s Alliance individually, or within a group and we are committed to respecting its ethics. We are committed to promoting human rights in all circumstances.

Our ambition and objective is to change the system in place, by bringing together the entire population so that it regains its freedom by creating an apolitical citizen movement with all the collectives existing in France. We are not affiliated with any political party, we are not left, right, center or extreme.
We want, on the basis of a credo of social justice and better environmental claims, to propose a better future for all. You probably see it, like most citizens of our country, the period is one of political, social and ideological effervescence, and the upheavals due to the pandemic have not helped… quite the contrary.

We also assume that as an active and recognized citizen, this effervescence is not indifferent to you.
Nor is it in our eyes.

If you have decided to get involved in defending causes that are close to your heart.

Today we do the same.

We come to you today because it seems to me that our cause is just and that we could share our energies
When we speak of the people, we speak of all who recognize themselves:
– In the Republic and in human rights,
– In our origins and in respect for others,
– In the hope of an alternative in the interest of the people.

Our main goal is to come together to unite!
Let’s come together to build “TOGETHER THIS PEOPLE’S ALLIANCE!” »

Together let’s grow the hope of an emancipatory alternative, which will eradicate our difficulties of daily life, and in particular: the problems of money, survival, the syndrome of the empty fridge, social downgrading, finding a job, and , in short, of our misery.
We will offer you professional activities within the business center for those looking for a job.

SME/TPE division:

Business Division:
As the People’s Alliance, we have decided to defend the cause of small businesses and therefore to build an alliance around these 3,500,000 SMEs / VSEs to change with them this system that has been crushing us for 40 years.
We want to develop solidarity between each company, the abolition of social charges, the increase in salaries on the basis of 1800€ net, and highlight the value of work, effort and sharing.

We are proposing a new system by increasing the purchasing power of all employees by giving SMEs / VSEs financial aid by eliminating charges replaced by a 2% tax on financial movements.
We will develop an associative approach of economy of scale, a less polluting approach, an approach where each company will not be ashamed of succeeding, and a solidarity approach.

Associations pole:
You probably see it, like most citizens of our country, the period is one of political, social and ideological effervescence, and the upheavals due to the pandemic have not helped… quite the contrary.

We also assume that as an active and recognized association, this effervescence is not indifferent to you. Nor is it in our eyes. When you created your structure, you decided to get involved in defending the causes that are close to your heart. Today we do the same.
Thus, as Citizens, we decided to carry our cause developing 4 pillars having for objective and consequently to build a citizen force. We come to you today because it seems to us that your cause is just and that we could share our energies.

Obviously, PEOPLE’S ALLIANCE is young and it is in all humility that we address you. We are in the process of building actions for the 2022 elections. The challenge is significant.
These actions, as you can imagine, cover the entire spectrum of issues usually dealt with. We strive to leave nothing behind and to place ourselves at the height of the challenges.

Certainly, with well-chosen documentation, we could develop presentable actions, but we have the ambition to do more than presentable actions. With your help – since we don’t have your expertise in the specific area of ​​your business – we could more surely achieve this goal.

We therefore ask you to inspire, participate, correct, amend our work for the part concerning your area of ​​expertise.
Of course, this request does not commit you to anything other than to agree to lend a “helping hand”.
That said, nothing would prevent us from starting a more substantial collaboration together if particular affinities arise between us.
In return, we would undertake to carry your claims within the framework of our PEOPLE’S ALLIANCE actions by mentioning your collaboration, or not – as it suits you.

If, in these supposed affinities, there is a sensitivity favorable to our movement, we would be on the right track.

Cantons Division
We propose and set actions and objectives in each canton. Together we will find the solutions that meet the priority expectations of a large number of our fellow citizens.
Objective to bring together 100 people who work in each canton.
There are nearly 2000 cantons in France, which are the constituency of election for departmental councillors.

Why group 100 people per canton?

To be a local force vis-à-vis elected officials, deputies, mayors and departmental councillors.
To develop together sub-groups which divide the tasks, in order to make themselves known, to convince other people to join them and thus, to grow, to be even more powerful.

If each member manages to convince 10 people around him and to ally with our movement, we will then be so powerful that the people will finally take back the reins of their destiny.

Future Hub:
Our goal is to help and support all young people. In this alliance, there is respect for our golden rules which will become a mutual promise between People’s Alliance and a young person. If we refuse to respect the golden rules and the conditions of the alliance, we will expose ourselves to exclusion. We are committed to promoting People’s Alliance individually or within a group and we are committed to respecting its ethics and all of our values. We are committed to promoting human rights in all circumstances.

Finally, note that this project was initiated by Students.
We will offer you professional activities within the business center for those looking for a job.

Television Division TVADP.fr
On tvadp.fr, you will see and hear all those whom media censorship wants to silence, all independent journalists blacklisted because they are too curious, all European whistleblowers engaged in the same fight, all intellectuals in solidarity with our cause.
We have some very nice surprises in store for you.

But we also want this channel to be a breath of fresh air in our anxiety-provoking daily life, a space for a change of scenery and discovery, a meeting place for all those who have become aware of the need to build a new world in harmony with our values, our principles and our faith.
Bringing about a free and independent television channel created with sticks and string has not been an easy task but we will improve over time and ask for your indulgence.
We hope that TV-ADP will be the start of a great media adventure and will allow the birth of a huge citizen movement to change our daily lives in this country. Be numerous and above all be faithful.

See you from 3 p.m. every day on: https://tvadp.fr

Our means :

  • Operation of a website, as well as all media on social networks,
  • Partnership with the TV channel TVADP.fr,
  • Organization and participation in events, gatherings, declared or undeclared demonstrations, meetings, physical or virtual fairs,
  • Writing newsletters, a newspaper on the web, videos, radios on the life of the association, public life and the 6 poles,
  • Proposal for services related to the purpose of the association,
  • Realization of commercial, financial and economic actions to promote our development,
  • Realization of commercial, financial and economic actions
  • Organization of meetings during the week by videoconference on JIT. IF.
  • Establishment of ADP referents in the 13 French regions.