Build projects
Alliance du Peuple coordinates the construction of teams by proposing the realization of projects in its municipality and finding a job
Act in your community :
People’s Alliance coordinates the building of teams at the local level.
“Acting in your municipality” (Field Actions) at national, regional and local level.
Several actions are proposed to bring people together locally, at the level of the municipalities and more widely, by going to raise awareness among students, retirees, associations, SME/SMI companies, administrations, elected officials, people in difficulty… and by offering to train interest groups.
Allow people to find a job like the real estate social network we created:
The objectives, in the short, medium and long term, are to build projects together and to provide solutions in the various fields, to give the floor back to the people and form a local network.
Act in its field :
“Acting in your field” (Focus groups)
Objectives: Allow everyone to get involved (field actions and reflection actions), to find their true role, to act at the local level, to be proactive and to set up collective projects.
Participate in Action Meetings
Do you want to participate in actions of the People’s Alliance? Come and discover them by attending a videoconference every Tuesday evening at 8:30 p.m.
Why you should care about the People’s Alliance:
Our goal is to allow an alliance of all citizens, whether students, retirees, entrepreneurs to share significant solutions to change our living conditions.
Our action is to make all French citizens understand that we must take our destiny into our own hands, without being obliged to find ourselves in any political party that only divides us.
We propose solutions, avenues proposed by citizens who are already members of our association.
Nothing is imposed and all of these proposals cannot be imposed, they must be the subject of debates, workshops so that only the solutions that have been accepted by the majority of citizens in the intelligence are retained. collective.
We want to find healthier bases of life, without being subject to the decisions of political professionals who, although earning more than 10 times the minimum wage for some, consider us as negligible citizens as our current president has proven to us.
Solutions relate to:
- The purchasing power,
- The increase in salaries on the basis of 1800€ net, indexed to inflation,
- The abolition of charges in companies,
- The taxation of 2% of all financial movements in replacement of the charges on salaries,
- The revaluation of the disabled allowance
- The abolition of VAT on basic necessities,
- The protection of animals, living things and the planet,
- Support for our farmers,
- Support for our students,
- Support for our retirees,
- Support for associations,
- The redeployment of agricultural activities, in all French regions,
- The redeployment of industrial activities,
- End of detached work,
- Retirement at age 60, and at 1500 euros minimum, and at age 55 for difficult professions,
- The payment of overtime, and the improvement of the working conditions of police officers and gendarmes,
- The supervision of all types of citizen demonstration to protect it and avoid all types of infiltration, with the abandonment of all weapons used against the population,
- The insulation of housing with a national housing rehabilitation plan,
- The return to basics by stopping globalization and returning to human values,
- The prohibition of chemicals on our soils,
- The prohibition of chemicals or dyes in food,
- The cancellation of the French debt,
- monetary sovereignty,
- Direct democracy,
- The dismissal of elected officials,
- The nationalization of highways, electricity and water,
- The prohibition of the sale of goods belonging to the nation with the reinstatement of goods already sold,
- Prohibit relocations,
- The exit or not from Europe, towards a Europe of nations,
- The construction of a European army, with the development of our army,
- The extension or removal of 5G,
- Security in our cities and countryside,
- The non-proliferation of surveillance cameras with facies,
- The continuity of nuclear power plants to question or not,
- The development of clean energies,
- The development of the hydrogen car,
- The development of our health and research branch,
- The development of small businesses in the villages, with tax advantages,
- The development of small schools, maternities and post offices,
- The development of national education through profound changes concerning the education and protection of our children,
- The development of chalet-type housing for rent or sale for young people and retirees in agricultural areas in the immediate vicinity of municipalities,
- The development of online tools to compete with Gaffa,
- The development of aid in Africa through the establishment of a sustainable economy with the assistance of French SMES,
- The alleviation of certain constraints in real estate by freeing up the possibility of extending one’s home and the possibility of building houses with free living space, the questioning of the PLU,
- The indexation of the salaries of our rulers on bases related to the
purchasing power of the French, - The independence of justice,
- The development of more social justice,
- The development of identical social protection for all,
- Institutional reform
- Give power back to the Mayors, with the creation of a citizens’ office of 10 people per municipality participating in the management of the municipality, the drafting of laws, the establishment of the RIC, and the management of public finances,
- Suppression of the presidency, of the deputies of the senators and of all the commissions,
- Abolition of direct line inheritance rights,
- Reinforcement on tax evasion, with the introduction of rules as in the US on people living abroad of French nationality,
- Legalize Cannabis,
- Stop immigration, but allow foreigners to come to our territory if they can present an employment contract drawn up by a French company,
- French nationality is acquired after 5 years of living in our territory, after linguistic, civic and historical examination of France and proof of an income tax declaration during these 5 years,
Each year we will strive to strengthen our solutions, so that the model of society that we suggest can be developed in other regions of the world.
As an active member you can offer us solutions that you wish to bring to our association by choosing in our form the involvement that you wish to put at our service: language/en/get involved/