ADP Coordination and Actions

You have chosen to get involved!

Every Tuesday evening we organize a meeting to set up local or national actions with the collectives already present within the People’s Alliance and the free electrons who participate in the life of the ADP association.

You can also position yourself in the coordination of the association, by helping us with administrative tasks that go through: the accounting department, the web department, the television department, the action department, the communication department.

If you wish to participate in these actions, let’s get to know each other by discovering your centers of interest.

Contact form to get to know each other better

How did you find out about the People's Alliance Collective?

Position yourself in ADP (multiple choice)

Choose one or more of the poles (multiple choice)

Choose to get involved at the national level, to bring and share your specific skills in an area (multiple choice)

Choose below the actions in which you wish to act.

You can suggest here your area of interest or any other information you wish to share with us.