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Who are we

What is Alliance du Peuple and what is its purpose?

Our goal is to create an alliance of collectives of human beings by providing a clear, neutral organization to coordinate collective national action among us across all core disciplines.

Encourage and facilitate exchanges between the people and their representatives through civic engagement to elevate coherence, harmony and sovereignty between each individual.

For the success of our project?

We offer everyone the means to unite around 7 values:


Real democracy






This project was initiated by collectives, roundabouts, associations, SMEs / VSEs, small craftsmen, employees, traders, civil servants, farmers, students and retirees.

Our logo and our name are the symbol of our freedom and our dynamism.

Our organization is recognized as an association responsible for promoting and defending all citizens, all SMEs/VSEs, all associations, and all citizen movements.

Our ambition is to change the system in place, by bringing together the entire population to regain their freedom.

We are not affiliated with any political party, we are not left, right, center or extreme.

Why do we exist and what is our reason for being?

There is no longer a counter-power in France. All political parties represent only 15% of the French population
The conclusion is simple :

  • Decline of political parties,
  • disappointment of the people,
  • Disenchantment of all abstainers,
  • No more clear political line,
  • Europe is no longer necessary as it exists,
  • Social injustice is real,
  • Real democracy does not exist,
  • Tax injustice is obvious,
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An alliance between each group must be made on the basis of a shared observation, concerning the catastrophic balance sheet, of the rulers in place for 40 years.

We do not want an alliance of circumstance, we do not build a project to defend the people on “an alliance of interests”.
We want to link, support and bring together all the structures, all the individuals and all the collectives who wish to build sustainable projects that bring us together.

We seek to promote for the entire French population an alliance of collectives of human beings by offering an agile framework welcoming all types of Associations, companies, SMEs and independents, Collectives and Citizen Movements.

We wish to coordinate and organize in the collective intelligence the implementation of common projects together, and avoid as much as possible the trolls, the opportunists, the political parties so that all the actions proposed are done unanimously by the collectives present within People’s Alliance and thus secure all the actions that will be proposed.

We encourage and facilitate exchanges between the people and all the collectives representing an organization through civic engagement to raise coherence, harmony and sovereignty between each individual.
Our organization is neutral, it allows the different citizen groups to make themselves known.